I found while leaving for our first journey I was thinking about what to take. What to take and leave on Moondance and what to take and bring back home. I dont want to carry things back and forth. I wasn't sure how we could store stuff on Moondance while we were away. I read several blogs and found people used a lot of plastic containers. So I ended up buying a few to try them out. I considered what our experiences were, what we would be doing while on Moondance and keeping her tidy and clean. What I found that sticks out the most is......We are on water 24/7 ....... So I found I needed to keep her as dry as possible inside the galley and in the cabins. How to do that, we found that cotton machine washable rugs we great. I could hang them out on the rails with clothes pins to dry if they got wet or I could toss them in a dryer at a marina. So what I decided was rugs were important so all the rugs stayed. I will also take more rugs when we return to her in March. About towels, absorbent towels were great, but took a long time to dry. So how many towels did we need? I think I decided six is a good number for two people. We only had two and that was a challenge to keep one dry to use daily.....Sheets and blankets for our beds was another thing to consider to use and store on Moondance. But how and keep them dry?
I thought that one large plastic container for sheets, one for blankets, one for towels and one for misc. other cloths would be enough to store stuff while we were away. I'm not sure what we will return to find, but I hope everything isn't musty from the moisture of being on the water once she is put back in.
I also hung damp rid bags one in each of two of our cabins. I will also take xxlg airtight bags next time just in case.
We didn't have trouble with a lot of dampness in our main cabin, maybe because our bed was above the water level. However the spare cabin bed I made up just in case we had family on board did get damp, however that berth is below water level. Not sure if that's why.
Life Is a Good, Sail On !!!!
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